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Agencia Inmobiliaria “Ntmar”
c/ Roberto Koch 2-N, 03183,
Torrevieja, (Alicante)
WhatsApp. Viber.Mov.
(+34) 676 473 852
Rusia (+7) 988 161 00 05
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Request the register data and SIMPLE NOTE to verify that this house doesnґt have any charge, and to check the real holders of property (or persons authorized to sell the house). The banks and other financial institutions donґt give mortgage to problematic houses. HOUSE PURCHASE FINANCING If you donґt have enough money to pay, the best way to solve your problems is through mortgage with financial institution. The mortgage is a bank loan where refund of the main, interests and other costs are assured. ADVANTAGE - refund instalments may be 30, 35 or 40 years and itґs possible to settle month fee to each person, also interests are low, Euribor differential is from 0.5% to 1.50%, depends of financial institution, advance cancelation comissions may be from 0% to 1% max. The best way to house purchase. Bank loans donґt used to cover 100% of house price, usually they are from 80% up to 95% of assess value of house realised by bank assess society. In case of bank loans for foreigners without spanish residence itґs up to 70%. |